Bespoke Solutions

With the increased uncertainty caused by Tech Disruption, Climate change and other global megatrends, companies are being forced to adapt. Change and Transformation is essential.From our deep dive consultations with global enterprises, we have gleaned the following insight:

  • 45% of CEOs feel that their companies will no longer be viable in 10 years if they continue on their current path…Things are not sustainable as they are.
  • 40% of CEOs are striving and committed to boosting sustainability and the impetus to reinvent processes is massive, with 66% of CEOs relocating resources to Transformation, Talent, and Technology.
  • Harnessing Data, People and Tech is critical to boosting revenue and accelerating this “reinvention” and they realise the pressing need to be more proficient in areas including Systems Thinking, Financial and Business Acumen,  Leadership and Strategic Talent Development.
  •  89% of CEOs are saying that the CHRO should play a central role in driving long term, profitable growth.

In meeting the needs of the People Profession and HR Community, Working Futures sits uniquely as a specialist Knowledge Broker running events, creating partnerships and helping clients and members find solutions to the challenges and opportunities in their operating world.

Our bespoke solutions accelerate “best of breed” approaches, helping companies to get ahead and stay ahead of the Future of Work. We provide a pragmatic approach to getting things done, offering programs with the latest thinkers, challengers and though leaders. With time being a precious commodity, we ensure networking happens at the right level with CHROs and their top teams.

With a Purpose-Led focus to improve the Future of Work, we create a roadmap, vision, mission and purpose to solving the most pertinent challenges through our regular Lunch and Learns, Discovery Dinners, Hackathons & Knowledge Cafés.

Your Bespoke Experiences

Lunch and Learn- WF & ILD
Lunch and Learn
Knowledge Café
Discovery Dinners
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